Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My first ER trip

As I was getting ready for bed on Monday night, the little whiteboard on our fridge fell off and the corner of it cut my foot.  Somehow it cut pretty deeply, because it immediately started squirting blood, but the bleeding easily slowed down after applying pressure.  After James examined the cut, he concluded that it had gone through all of the epidermal layers and into the "retinaculum." (He was thrilled to be able to review the information he had just about the epidurmas.)  He graciously offered to superglue it together (what a dear he is!).  I opted out of that however, and decided I'd rather go to the urgent care to get it stitched up.

Unfortunately the Urgent Care was closed by this time, so we had to go to the Emergency Room.  Luckily it wasn't busy by that time of night, so it only took about an hour and a half to get the 5 stitches and tetanus shot.  (One of my nurses had gone to BYUI, which made me feel right at home.  It sure is a small world!)

Even though the whole experience was an unexpected annoyance, I was able to see plenty of ways that the Lord had blessed me which made the situation go much smoother.  The first huge blessing during this was- earlier in that same day, I'd finally been approved for Arizona's Medicaid.  (Its funny because at the time I was not happy about doing this- I'd already waited in a 3 1/2 hour line to be approved over a month ago.  After a one on one interview, the lady approved me, but said that she just needed one more document in order to get it the Medicaid going.  So, I had faxed in the last document to them the next day, but a month later, had still heard nothing back from them.  That is why I went in on Monday (the day I cut my foot), because I figured that they had lost my fax, which they had.  So, I had to wait in the long line again, just to hand them one piece of paper, that they had already received through a fax, but lost.  This time the wait was only 2 hours, but I was annoyed to even have to go back in the first place!)  After having to go to the ER that same day though, I realized how kind the Lord had been to me in saving me A LOT of money by getting the Medicaid going that day.         

The next huge blessing was that our neighbors across the sidewalk were willing to watch Benson for us while we were gone. It was suppose to be a really simple task- they just listen to the 'baby monitor' (i.e. our cell phones) while everyone slept; Benson at our house, they at their house.  It didn't go as planned though.  My friend told me that Benson had waken up right after we left, and not fallen asleep until right before we got back.  So when we got back, she and Benson were asleep on our couch.  I felt so bad for keeping her up for so long, and was shocked that Benson was awake almost the whole time...he never wakes up in the night!  I felt so grateful though, that the Lord gave us such awesome friends, who were willing to hold our crying baby in the middle of the night.   

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