Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Halfway there

    I halfway potty trained Benson this weekend.  It has been such a nightmare. I was naive about how difficult this would be.  I am following a method from this lady who claims to be the potty training queen.  You have to stay home for three days straight, and have your kid in underwear only and pretty much be breathing down his neck so that you catch him every time he starts to pee or poo.  According to her, if you do that, after 3 days, the kid will be totally potty trained- including nighttime. 
    I'd give myself about a 90% on following her instructions.  I did leave the house a few times with Benson for a really short walk and we also ran over to Ali's house one day so that we didn't go nuts.  The other thing that I didn't follow exactly was that I didn't get anyone to watch Eden during the three days.  The potty training lady says that you have to have someone else there to watch the other kids so that you can watch the one potty training at all times so that you catch every accident.  I did end up catching every accident,  except when he was napping or asleep for the night. 
   The only reason why I decided to do it this weekend, was because Eden got the flu, and were quarantined to the house anyway.  I knew there was never a time when I'd be able to get James home all day, so I decided to just go for it.  I figured if we were going to be home, I might as well potty train him and get two birds with one stone.  I nearly killed myself off in the process though.  Eden was not sleeping well at all, so I was exhausted and moody.
    After 3 days, all the accidents are suppose to be behind you.  Well, that was not the case with us.  He pooped in his underwear yesterday and today, but today was much worse because it was really soft poop- like borderline diarrhea, probably because he'd been holding it for so long.  Plus, we were at the library:(  I was not a happy person when I had to clean it up.
  On the bright side though, he does have peeing on the potty down. Looks like pooping will take a little bit more time. :( I hope I can survive!

Two other big things were crossed off my list- 

#1 ~ I just finished reading The New Testament Made Easier.  It took me almost a year.  This sounds like a children's version of scripture stories, but its not.  Its the New Testament, with all of the Joseph Smith Translations, commentary from church leaders, bible scholars, etc. combined into one place.  I have never gotten so much out of the New Testament.  It is so enlightening.  I can't believe someone in the church hasn't done this before.  He gives context to the chapters and culture.  I highly recommend it.  Its especially helpful for the book of Revelations.
#2 ~ I did a back walkover for the first time since having Eden.  I wasn't sure if my back would ever be that flexible again.  It is so amazing what we can go through and recover from. Our bodies are so incredible!

1 comment:

  1. I always joke that sometimes I wonder if giving birth is easier than potty training. Atleast you get an epidural with birth! :) Good luck!! You are doing awesome. I'm amazed with how sane you seem to stay through it all. I felt like I was so crazy during those weeks of potty training. I'm sure it can only get better from here on out!
