Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thoughts on 2012 Election Night

"Oh ye fair ones, how could ye have departed from the ways of the Lord! Oh ye fair ones, how could ye have rejected that Jesus, who stood with open arms to receive you!"
(Mormon 6:17)
   I can sympathize with these feelings in light of the tonight's turnout.  Our choice was clear; and we chose wrongly.  How could we have re-elected a man who has trampled the very constitution that he promised to defend?!
   I'm experiencing the 5 stages of grief and loss that Elizabeth Kubler-Ross discussed.  Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.  And actually, this is appropriate, when I consider what is at stake under the leadership of Obama. The loss of the following-
Religious liberty
Limits to government
Free markets
The sanctity of marriage
Potential for Energy Independence 
America's place as the "leader of the free world"

I am trying (in disbelief) to consider what is coming -
Obama Care
$20,000,000,000,000+ debt *(Debt as a weapon of mass destruction as discussed in the movie 2016)
Redistribution of wealth
Nuclear Iran & North Korea
Same-sex marriage
Ample increases/opportunity for abortion  

Am I being overly dramatic?  What are your projections? I just finished reading Alma 46 (the Title of Lib chapter), which took on a lot of meaning tonight. 
Also, what did you think of the movie 2016...particularly 'debt' being used as a weapon of mass destruction.


  1. This is from Ann.I totally agree. I literally felt sick to my stomach as I saw the results. Obama has an agenda, and he's right on schedule. The only comfort I have is that the Lord knows what is happening and what is going to happen. He has prepared us as well as he could through the prophets (food storage, family proclamation etc...) Perhaps the elders of the church will save the constitution as it is hanging by a thread (now?)

  2. You summed it up perfectly how I feel. My sister sent this to me and I thought it was so good.....


    so glad to know there are lots of other people who feel the same way!
